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good evening ... and welcome!

Hi, I'm Frank Dolan, and I suspect that you've already got the feeling that I love drums. I do, but it's probably more accurate to say that music is my passion, and drums are what I do best. I created this site, not because I'm a raving egomaniac (although I am a musician, so a certain amount of vanity was pre-installed at the factory), but in the hope that rhythm-deprived passers-by might decide that they could use my particular style of percussive expression.
FD on stage I'm at my best when I'm a full-fledged band-member, with ALL of the passion and commitment involved in "chasing the dream"! When that's not an option, I am very much at large and available for recording, performance, touring ... and teaching too. If you're looking for such an animal, or if you're simply amused by the rantings of someone whose profession is noise, please read on...
Although there are drummers out there who take the instrument to a level where you really don't need anything else, I'm not one of them. I prefer to think of myself as someone who plays songs, rather than someone who plays drums. Don't get me wrong; I love rhythmic intricacies (and the raw power of a steady, driving groove), but I really need to feel that I'm helping to bring out the emotion of a piece of music.
FD posing I would like to be able to say that the song is the ONLY thing that matters, but the fact is that, like most musicians, I have an ego (or lack thereof ??) that craves attention and praise.  To allow Frank the "crafter-of-songs" and Frank the "creator-of-memorable-rhythms" to share a drumkit, I approach music on two levels.