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...and i tend to look like this

A picture is worth a thousand words ... but if you click on one of the links below, you'll see what I actually look (and sound) like onstage.
You'll see me with Bishop Jones (female-vocal pop), at the EAT'M conference in Las Vegas, then at soundcheck with fighting Iris (somewhere between pop and rock, with a harder edge), at Iliff Park in Denver, and finally with Larry Mitchell (a blend of jazz, rock and hip-hop), at the SDSU Open Air Theater in San Diego.
The video-clip is only three minutes long, so you won't even need to order pizza!

Hi Quality Video (Fast Connection)
Lo Quality Video (Slow Connection)

If your internet connection is tortoise-powered, it may be easier to right-click one of the links, and choose "Save As", to download the file to your computer. It may take a while to download, so go have a cup of [insert beverage of choice here].
Once the file is on your computer, it should play without any annoying delays or glitches.